PAST EVENT: Hearth Healing - Icaros & sacred songs ceremony with Jessica Lewis

Sunday 14th November, 4.45 - 5.45pm


Tickets: £20

As part of our 2nd Anniversary Celebration & relaunch of the Wellbeing Programmes at The Hearth we are hosting a day dedicated to holistic wellbeing at our Healing Festival, curated by Gisela Lopez.

The series includes a wonderful collection of events for Women, including Tea Ceremony, Soul Ceremony, Flower Mandala Ceremony, Cacao Ceremony, Icaros & sacred songs ceremony and Crystal bowls & Sound healing ceremony, with Tarot reading available.

We hope you can join us!


Jessica Lewis invites you to join her sacred healing singing circle. She will be guiding you through medicine songs and sacred Icaros that will connect you deeply to yourself and the healing vibration of your soul.

You will be guided to use your own healing medicine which is your voice during the session. Together you will co-create a sacred space.

Please feel free to bring a drum or rattle.


Jessica Lewis is a shamanic practitioner in London and is on the path of the Q’ero Medicine Wheel. She is also a singer of Shipibo Icaros used mainly in ceremonies for healing, protection, and calling in master teacher plant spirits. She is about to release her first album of Medicine Music for healing and ceremonies.

 Jessica is the owner of a shamanic shop; The Shipibo Market, which supports the indigenous tribes and communities of South America. She directly supports a Shipibo Association in Pucallpa, which is run by Shipibo ladies to support them and provide a trade for their artwork.

Jessica’s Website


PAST EVENT: Hearth Healing - Cacao ceremony with Kristina Evans


PAST EVENT: Hearth Healing - Sound healing ceremony with Thimela Garcia