How To Talk To Your Kids About Sex And Relationships (Children Aged 4-11 years old)

Wednesday 23rd February 2022, 7.30pm - 9.00pm (bar open from 7pm)
at The Hearth, 18 Lonsdale Road, London, NW6 6RD

How To Talk To Your Kids About Sex And Relationships (Children Aged 4-11 years old)

Tickets: £15 /

Free for Hearth members

When is the right time to sit down and have “the big talk” about intimacy, sex and relationships with your kids? How do you begin to help children understand and contextualise these important issues?
Saskia Boujo, sex and relationships educator, discusses the role of primary care givers and the importance of having an open and honest conversation with your children.
Aimed at parents with children aged 4-11.
During this hour, Saskia will outline the reasons why we need to support our children at this time, and what tools and strategies are at parent’s disposal to facilitate a healthy transition to the next phase. The talk will be followed by a Q&A session where parents can address specific topics.

Doors open from 7pm



Saskia Boujo is a teacher and Relationship and Sex Educator based in London. She works in schools and academies with pupils, teachers and parents delivering workshops and training. Since her own fertility journey began she has been a Fertility Network UK Volunteer, as well as been part of many campaigns to remove the stigma around infertility as well as challenge the unfairness of the IVF postcode lottery. Saskia conceived her three girls aged 9, 6, and 4 through IVF treatment and is passionate about opening up the conversation around fertility, relationships and sex education.


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